Innovation Projects

What is an InnoEnergy innovation project?

New programme for technological development of energy products.

It is the transformation of available knowledge into new, marketable products and services related to the sustainable energy field that create positive impact on the market and society.

Objective: To bring together ideas, inventors and industry to create commercially viable technologies that deliver real results.

By combining the dual focus of industry and academia, InnoEnergy is looking to identify opportunities for marketable products and services in the energy sector. InnoEnergy then assesses their viability in terms of, for example, competitive positioning, freedom to operate and economic sustainability. Once viability has been established, InnoEnergy combines the capabilities of the network and goes for the market, integrating the talents of its PhD and Master’s students along the way.KIC idea

Industry benefits from:

• Co-designing products and services that complement their needs or in-house development.

SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises) benefit from:

• Accessing the complete value chain in a ‘one-stop-shop’.

• Accessing resources and partners all over Europe, thereby breaking free of geographical limitations.

• Trusted, predictable rules of operation on even terms with other partners.

• Financial support to further their development.

• Shortened time to market thanks to our operational business models.

   Next Deadline for submissions: Pending

 innovation projects

You can find a short video for Innovation Projects here

Click here for more information.

Check our flyer!

For more information please contact Mr. Paris Rallis at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Funding Opportunities

Available funding opportunities:

EIC Accelerator
EIC Pathfinder

EIC Transition

For more information about deadlines visit the Calendar.


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