"HIDDEN" – Hidden Innovation Initiatives for SMEs

(MED Programme)

The project aims at strengthening the innovation capacity and competencies of relatively small and “low tech" SMEs by putting great emphasis on the non technological dynamics of innovation and promoting organizational, marketing and business development operations.

KiNNO Consultants Ltd. is responsible for the Management of the Project, the organization of a series of Promotional Activities, as well as for the elaboration of a number of Deliverables, such as Platform, Toolbox, Training Modules, Consulting Center, Scoreboard etc. on HIDDEN Innovation.

Partnership: Region of Epirus, Business Innovation Centre of Epirus, Local Development Agency Langhe Monferrato Roero, Parco Tecnologico Padano Foundation, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Marseille Province, Enterprises’ Association of the Santarem Region, Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Castellon,  Interdepartmental Research Centre LUPT- Territorial Town Planning Laboratory- University of Naples.

Website: www.hiddenproject.eu

HI Platform: www.soft-innovation.eu

Funding Opportunities

Available funding opportunities:

EIC Accelerator
EIC Pathfinder

EIC Transition

For more information about deadlines visit the Calendar.


EAIC Member   HETIA Member 
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