“BIO-EN-AREA: Improve regional policies for bioenergy and territorial development”

(Interreg IVC)

The Project “BIO-EN-AREA: Improve regional policies for bioenergy and territorial development” is being implemented within the framework of the Interreg IVC Programme and KiNNO Consultants Ltd.is responsible for the elaboration of A Bioenergy Action Plan for the Region of Western Macedonia as subcontractor of EUROCONSULTANTS SA.

BIO-EN-AREA is a transnational cooperation project that aims at exchanging and transferring experiences among partners in order to increase their capacities to favour and optimize the use of bioenergy. The major objective is to improve regional policies for bioenergy, and help partners to draft or implement their Regional Biomass Action Plan, as the main expected result and operational objective. There is a need to have very good integration among regional policies for bioenergy and regional planning policies because there is a strong link between the development of bioenergy and the territories/areas – concerned at subregional level.

Partnership: Regional Energy Agency of Castilla y Léon (France), Region of Western Macedonia (Greece), the Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy), South-East Regional Authority of Ireland (Ireland), Regional Energy Agency of South-East Sweden (Sweden) and Tartu Regional Energy Agency in South Estonia (Estonia).


Website: http://www.bioenarea.eu/

Funding Opportunities

Available funding opportunities:

EIC Accelerator
EIC Pathfinder

EIC Transition

For more information about deadlines visit the Calendar.


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